

Cantarella, M. , Fraccaroli, N., & Volpe, R. (2024); Does language prevent policy take-up? Evidence from the Italian Start-up Act; Research Policy

Cantarella, M. & Kavonius, I. K. (2024); Job polarisation and household borrowing; Journal of Economic Inequality  [Policy brief version: SUERF]

Cantarella M., Neri A., Ranalli M. G.  (2023); Estimating the distribution of household wealth: methods for adjusting survey data estimates using national accounts and rich list data; Review of Income and Wealth

Cantarella, M. & Fraccaroli, N., & Volpe, R. (2023); Does fake news affect voting behaviour?; Research Policy  [Media coverage: VoxEU; Il Foglio; TPI; TP]

Cantarella, M. & Strozzi, C. (2021); Workers in the crowd: the labour market impact of the online platform economy; Industrial and Corporate Change

Working papers

Cantarella, M. & Strozzi, C. (2023); Task search and labour supply in the platform economy; DEMB Working Paper Series N. 226

Other peer-reviewed publications

Cantarella, M. & Kavonius, I. K. (2022); Työmarkkinoiden polarisaatio ja kotitalouksien lainanotto; Kansantaloudellinen Aikakauskirja

Other working papers

Cantarella, M. (2019); #Portichiusi: the human costs of migrant deterrence in the Mediterranean, HiCN Working Papers 317, Households in Conflict Network. [Media coverage: Avvenire]